What is Marketing?

What is Marketing?

"Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large."

American Association of Marketing

At Melin Media we see it as a tool to support our clients deliver their goals.


Whilst many see marketing as merely social media or advertising, done well, it is a pivotal tool that is at the heart of generating tangible and intangible value to your business.


In the dynamic tapestry of business, marketing is the thread that weaves brands into the fabric of consumer consciousness.

It is more than mere promotions, marketing is the art of building lasting relationships, fostering brand identity, and creating unparalleled value. A good marketing strategy is there to enhance and deliver the current and future business goals. Whether you are product, service or purpose driven, a marketing strategy should be at the core of your business arsenal.


At its core, marketing transcends the transactional; it's about crafting experiences, telling stories, and leaving indelible impressions. It's the strategic orchestration of brand narratives that resonate, creating a profound connection with your audience.

It runs parallel with your Business Plan - defining and driving the USP and customer need satisfaction. It ensures you remain relevant and yet different. It gives you a voice and builds brand loyalty and confidence.

So how does it do that?


Visibility and Recognition:

  - Marketing amplifies your brand's visibility, making it not just seen but recognised. It's about creating a distinct identity that lingers in the minds of your audience. A USP (unique selling point) that becomes one of your greatest assets.

Building Authentic Relationships:

  - Beyond transactions, marketing is a conduit for authentic relationships. It's about understanding the pulse of your audience, addressing their needs, and fostering trust that transcends one-time transactions.

Customer-Centric Value:

  - Through empathetic understanding of those at the heart of your business, marketing helps you adopt a customer-centric approach. It's about not just meeting expectations but exceeding them, creating genuine value for your audience. This in turn builds loyalty and advocacy which becomes a ripple of revenue that should never be overlooked. Clear segmentation, targeting and positioning are key.

Brand Building:

  - To truly make a difference you need to identify and build your brand. Strategies should be meticulously crafted to fortify your brand identity, ensuring it resonates authentically with your target audience. It should become second nature in terms of tone, voice and physicality of visual identity.


  - Any campaigns should not just be about promotions; they're about creating value. Ensuring the delivery of meaningful content and experiences that enrich the lives of your customers.


- Every contact with your customer is a point of communication, from the look and feel of online and offline spaces, to messages to visuals, graphics, tone .. it all adds to your unique marketing dna.

Service Success and Failure

- So much of what we do now is service based.. the intangible versus the tangible. All of this adds to the CX (Customer Experience) and its value should never be overlooked. It is not just about righting wrongs or failures, or indeed a messaging system. It is understanding the experiential elements and making them work for you and your customer.


- Whether on or offline social and in turn social media are all communications that when combined effectively create an Integrated Marketing Campaign (IMC). This can include physical as well as virtual events.

Research and Learning

- Seek not to know the answers .. but to understand the questions. This is the essence of good research .. understanding the right quantitative and qualitative approach to learn and deliver hypothesis and solutions to problems and questions. It is there to derisk scenarios from a combination of not only data but overlaid with a creative insight into how this works for the individual brand.

Product Development / Creative Diversification

- Products can be tangible or intangible. If you are a non-profit or membership, value and product can mean different things. We have worked in both spheres and understand the nuances and requirements for different markets and how to develop products and services that enhance your business.


Whilst there are many strategic facets to marketing both OFFLINE (news, PR, events etc) and ONLINE, the latter (Digital Online Marketing) has become critical.  This includes all your online assets from Websites to Social Media, Enews and any online asset or channel.

This is an area, including the development of AI, that we both research and lead in.  We are here to help, both as consultants and via our ever growing collection of digital assets.

Marketing  is not one dimensional; it's a journey of brand elevation and customer value creation. We create Marketing strategies that transcend mere promotions and embrace the essence of what makes your brand unique — alongside a commitment to building lasting connections and genuine value.

This is by no means a fully comprehensive guide, we at Melin Media are a team lead by CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing) chartered mentors and leaders who are committed to CPD (continued personal development). Our team are never static and evolve our learnings to be at the forefront of modern marketing, so that we are able to identify and support our client needs. If you would like to learn more, then please contact us and our team will be more than happy to help.

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Empowering change through innovative and creative marketing strategies, we help businesses achieve their goals by crafting tailored solutions that drive growth, foster brand loyalty, and create lasting impact. At Melin Media, your goals are our strategy.